Erin has created her own modality of work called BioStructural Therapy, combining her knowledge in Rolfing/Structural Integration (Rolf Institute), Craniosacral Therapy (CO Cranial Institute), BioDynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST), multiple visceral and nervous system courses, and energetic trainings.
Connective (myofacial) tissues within the body hold our bones and muscles in place. By adjusting these tissues, Rolfing properly realigns the body's posture and structure. Research has demonstrated that Structural Integration, also known as Rolfing, creates more efficient muscle use, allows the body to conserve energy, and creates more economical and refined patterns of movement. Rolfing has also been shown to significantly reduce chronic stress and enhance neurological functioning.
Through soft tissue manipulation and movement education, Rolfers affect the body's structure and function for the long-term. Unlike traditional massage, which focuses on relaxation and relief of muscle discomfort, Rolfing is aimed at improving body alignment, balance, integration, and function. As one's body becomes more organized and chronic strain patterns are alleviated, pain and stress decrease.
Furthermore, Rolfing can speed up injury recovery by reducing pain, stiffness, and muscle tension; improving movement and circulation around joints; and attending to the injury itself, plus any secondary pain or complications that may develop from compensating for an injury.
CST is a non-inasive, hands-on therapy that improves functioning of the central nervous system by releasing restrictions in the craniosacral system. A light touch is used to alter the pressure and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid around the brain and spinal cord.
The Upledger Institute states that craniosacral therapy has helped with the following disorders:
back pain
central nervous system disorders
chronic fatique
BSCT is a gentle non-invasive, hands-on session for the whole body. The session focuses on supporting the inherent health of the whole being, especially the nervous system which dictates all of the body’s functioning by constantly sending and receiving information. BSCT assists the nervous system in bringing it back into balance. This supports greater ease and helps the body decrease symptoms.
feeling relaxed, yet energized
breathing more fully and deeply
standing taller
feeling more comfortable in your body
People seek Rolfing as a way to reduce pain and chronic stress, generally resulting from physical and emotional traumas. Many professional athletes, dancers, and entertainers use Rolfing to improve their performance. Some manufacturing companies have employed Rolfing to decrease workers' compensation costs due to repetitive stress injuries. Based on the mind/body connection, many counselors and therapists are incorporating Rolfing in the therapeutic approach. Greater structural support, flexibility, and integrity influences emotions and energy levels.
Structural Integration is named 'Rolfing' in honor of its creator, Dr. Ida P. Rolf. Dr. Rolf received her Ph.D. in biochemistry from Columbia University in 1920 and furthered her knowledge of the body through scientific research in organic chemistry at the Rockefeller Institute. Her extensive search for solutions to health problems led her to examine many areas that studied the effects of structure on function such as osteopathy, yoga, and chiropractic medicine. Based on her research and in-depth scientific knowledge of the body’s structural order, Dr. Rolf developed the theory and practice of Structural Integration/Rolfing.
The Rolf Institute's international headquarters is located in Boulder, Colorado, with offices in Germany, Australia, Japan, and Brazil. Currently, there are Certified Rolfers in 32 different countries.
neck pain
Craniosacral therapy (CST) was developed in the 1970’s by John Upledger, DO, as a form of cranial osteopathy.
Upledger Institute International is located in Palm Beach Gardens, FL and holds teachings world wide. Colorado Cranial Institute is located in Boulder, CO.
improve sleep
sense of peace and ease
reduce pain
connection to self may be improved
The development and evolution of BCST was influenced by William Garner Sutherland, John Upledger, Franklyn Stills, and many more contributors.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America (BCTA/NA) in the U.S. and Canada.
Ann describes her BioStructural Therapy experience at Calla Clinic and their ability to help her alleviate the pain of a broken tailbone from a car accident when no one else could.
Bill describes his BioStructural Therapy experience at Calla Clinic and their ability to help him with his herniated disks when no one else could.

What to expect during your initial session:
1. A 20-minute discussion regarding your life, lifestyle, activities, goals, level of flexibility and any pain you experience doing the things you love to do.
2. We might discuss your diet and any foods that may be causing some of the inflammation and pain you are experiencing.
3. We will discuss your sleep patterns. The body needs good sleep in order to heal.
4. Please have the intake forms filled out prior to your visit.
5. Please wear cotton pants, long-sleeve shirt, socks, and avoid wearing a sports bra.
6. Please be sure to read and follow our vaccination policy.
Vaccination Policy
After serious respiratory issues that resulted in multiple ICU admissions, Erin learned that she was severely allergic to components used to make vaccines. As your body continues to process the vaccination over several weeks, traces of it can transfer via skin contact and respiratory droplets. Please help Erin stay healthy by following this vaccination policy:
If you had (or are scheduled to have) any vaccination (e.g. COVID-19, flu, RSV, shingles, etc.)
up to 2 weeks prior to your appointment - please reschedule your appoint by clicking on one of the “SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT” buttons on this website
2 to 4 weeks prior to your appointment - please tell me when you arrive at your appointment so I can wear protective gear as needed. If you wear a long-sleeve shirt, pants and cotton socks, it will provide additional protection for me.
We look forward to meeting you and assisting you in your goals.
Dental Hygenist, 59
“This summer marks my 40th year as a Dental Hygienist. I know I would not be working now if it wasn't for Erin. Erin's "magic hands" have kept my body aligned and strong."
— A.H.
Student, 23
“Rolfing has opened up my chest cavity, allowing me to breath deeper which in turn has increased my stamina. My lower back has stopped aching, and my posture is straighter and my movement is more graceful. I have a significant increase in flexibility in my arms and legs.
— E.S.
Retired, 69
“Shortly after a serious car accident where I was left with 2 broken legs, sprained ankle, crushed heel, cracked pelvis and sprained shoulder. I walk without a limp, and my body feels aligned."
— B.D.
"Life without pain or soreness has completely changed my outlook on life and my relationships with family."
— Bill. C.